The last full moon of the year is commonly known as the ‘Full Long Nights Moon’ in the Northern Hemisphere. It gets this name from the winter solstice which has the longest night of the year. In the Pagan tradition it is known as the ‘Mourning Moon’.

Distinct cultures relate to it differently. Often observed as a time to stay cosy by the fire; for others to welcome visiters into their home.

The Celts refer to it as the ‘Elder Moon’. Elder is fragile yet so full of vitality that it recovers quickly. As the Elder Moon shines it’s energy upon you, take time to rest and heal focusing on new beginnings and growth. This is an excellent time to start planning exciting new goals for the upcoming year.

Yesterday afternoon as I was returning home from my daily walk I noticed the moon rising over the hills. I stood watching it in admiration. The sun was exactly opposite; a splendid sun down. I felt blessed, I was in awe. Mother Earth was once again offering us a delightful gift of nature.

When I got home I checked the internet and realised it was the Full Long Nights Moon. Here in Ireland it was at 4am (December 8). A special date as it’s my brother’s birthday.

This morning upon rising at 7 my husband and I wrapped up well as we stepped outside to admire this moon. As it began it’s journey down behind the hills, the sun was providing us with a rayonant spectacle. What a delightful way to commence the day 😊.

Thank you Mother Earth 🌍🌎.

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